To buy the products from other factory always seems to be a good idea for a factory to keep new customers if the products they can’t produce in their own workshop,once the first transaction concluded,customers will reach this factory further for more related goods which may fall into the product series the factory itself can produce. Mostly ,this action will not make the factory to be considered as a trade company even when the customer do not visit the factory themselves.Honestly,some customers will dislike the factory doing this to them,but under the circumstance the goods its urgently needed,and customer do not want to contact new suppliers for those goods his current supplier can’t produce,buying goods from other factory could be a great way to show goodwill and improve future business relations even most cases the factory itself would make no money on it.
Factories expect their customers more understanding upon the
situation they buying the goods they can’t produce from other factories,
practically,mostly factories will bear a lost when they’re doing so,but on
customer’s side,they will think the
factory having make some money on them just like a trade company.
For a factory buying the same industry
products from other factories is not an easy thing,the business mostly can be
done between factories with some kind relations,nor 90% above business will be a failure. Most factories are unwilling to sell their products to their
competitors even the products looks like exactly same,they are caring about
their technology skills to be leaked out,and their factory customer will not be
their customer but will be their competitor.
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